Jacks & Lifting Gear
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We have a Great Range of Jacks & Lifting Gear Including Trolley, Axle Stands & Engine Cranes.
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A Selection of our Top Selling Products at Great Low Prices.
TROLLEY JACKS - A trolley jack is a device designed to lift vehicles safely. Once the vehicle has been raised to the desired height the operator can carry out repair work and inspections easily.
BOTTLE JACKS - A bottle jack is a type of heavy-duty jack that uses a hydraulic ram to lift heavy objects, such as vehicles and building foundations.
TRANSMISSION JACKS - A transmission jack is ideal for handling gearboxes and engines in most workshop situations and the perfect accompaniment to any professional garage.
AIR JACKS - An air jack is a mechanism used for lifting a heavy object, such as a vehicle off the ground by means of an inflatable support.
OTHER JACKS - A range of different jacks for a host of tasks in your garage or workshop.
AXLE STANDS - Axle stands are designed to provide access to the underside of a vehicle, propping it up and supporting the weight while inspections and repairs are made.
MOTORCYCLE LIFTS & STANDS - A motorcycle lift is a lift table that is designed to handle motorcycles. Many repair shops use such lifts to bring the vehicle off of the ground and up to a level so that the mechanic does not have to put any strain on their back.
ENGINE STANDS - An engine stand is a tool that is used to hold an engine while it’s being worked on. They make the process much easier and more efficient.
JACKING BEAMS - A jacking beam allows a mechanic to access a car’s underside more easily, as the car wheels can be lifted above the level of the 4-post lift platform, this allows them to diagnose and repair a problem, especially those relating to wheels, tyres and suspension, quickly and efficiently.
ENGINE CRANES - An engine crane is a common tool used in garages to remove or install vehicle engines.
HOISTS - A hoist is another way to remove or install a vehicle engine, essential tool for any professional garage.