Diagnostic Tools
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We have a Great Range of Auto Electrical & Diagnostic Tools Including Code Readers, Circuit Testers & Inspecation Cameras.
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A Selection of our Top Selling Products at Great Low Prices.
AUTO ANALYSERS & TESTERS - A typical diagnostic test will inform you about a range of issues that your vehicle could be experiencing with engine management, transmission, ignition coils, throttle, exhaust, brakes and more.
VEHICLE CIRCUIT TESTERS - A circuit tester is nothing more than a portable electrical circuit designed to be easily connected temporarily to a power source and a ground.
INSPECTION CAMERAS - An inspection camera provide an opportunity to perform detailed visual inspections of areas that can't easily be seen from outside the vehicle, without dismantling various complex components.
PICK UP TOOLS & MIRRORS - Pick-up tools are used to collect objects that are out of reach or in inaccessible areas. Most have a magnetic end to pick up magnetic materials, while others have clawed ends to pick up non-magnetic pieces